Tuesday, January 01, 2008


What is new year? Why do people celebrate it all over the world. Well it seems nothing but a change of a number in the date. But that happens everyday then why not celebrate each morning.
Lets for an instance put this thought in abeyance and ponder over what actually we celebrate at a new year. Well on Diwali we celebrate with lights the victory of light over darkness, on Holi we celebrate the colours of life, during Pongal we celebrate a good harvest and so on. But then what do we celebrate on a new year. Its certainly not any victory of light or a change of season.

I feel that on a new year we celebrate the premise that supports the cyclical tendencies of our thoughts. The way we think and the way we live our life there are things that always revolve.

It actually is governed by nature which itself is cyclical. This can further be traced to our planet 'mother earth' revolving around the SUN. Well what if our planet was not revolving? What if it was going linearly across this universe. But then some cynics will say that well in that case there would be no life and for them i'd say assume that the sun was also going with us. Still the cynics would persist and they would not be wrong. Well life can survive on the whole planet because it is homogeneous in climate, topography, temperature and such things that make life possible.
This homogeneity is not continuous in time but the CYCLICAL nature makes is homogeneous over a period of time.

So you see the concept of cycle is at the very base of our existence. And in a new year we celebrate this concept.