Saturday, March 12, 2005

kya karoge munna ( o child what shall you do)

In the present world the question of what will one do with life doesnt end at getting an engineering degree. I did engineering not because someone pressurized me into it or for the benefit of getting an easy job after i finish, but because of the pure love i had for physics. The pleasure of solving problems which other find too complex was irresistable, so i took the path of studying engineering.
But what now, once that i finished the course people come asking what are you planning to do next and i dont have any idea. Doing what you like was fine till college, but now i have certain responsibilities towards my family. How can i balance my personal aspirations with the duties i have.
Thinking that since family business cannot be neglected i had given up the thought of pursuing an MS and started towards the MBA road. I kept on trying to get an MBA degree thinking that it is the panacea for my problems. I tried to look at what happens after MBA but found it too complex to understand.
The purpose of education is increasing the knowledge content of a person. It does'nt need an MBA degree to develop business sense. No school can teach you these things. This degree is for those who have been there and done that but didnt have enough time to muse over the effectiveness/efficiency of the processes applied in business. Nowadays people think that it is the other way round.
Being in software doesnt feels so bad.
I love writing code but the thing is it doesnt drive me. I am not passionate about it. I think the field/branch/specializations cannot be driving factors. No one can say that he loves writing c++ programs and can keep on writing them all his life. If you are a language freak then you will go into compiler writing else you will use the languages to accomplish tasks and the motivation can come from the tasks which you are trying to solve using the computer.
I was always charmed by electronics, i found it interesting but i never made an effort on my part to go towards it.
I find it very difficult to see myself as a selfish person. I never like to do things the easy way, the way people do it in IIT, the standard way. This is why i chose composites as my field even though i didnt had any idea what i'll do after my course will be over. I didnt had any standard in front of me because i didnt look fard enough, i didnt talk to my seniors as i was too shy and thought that i'll sound too boring to them (to the people in general).
My aim in life is to become a knowledgable and respected person, whose commands respects because of the knowledge he has on certain subjects.
What do you want to be the
president/prime minister

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

The first blog: Motivation

What is the motivation which drives people to do things, say to marry, have sex, have children, study, work, travel, see places, etc. etc.
This thought had been doing rounds in my mind lately, and needs a logical analysis which i will be doing here.
Let start from the stage when child is born, his brain is new and the normal patterns have still not been formed. He is amused even by waving his hand. Now all the things he does may be because of natural bodly urges like hunger, thirst, excretion, or mental urges like curiosity, getting hold of his body parts. When he grows he finds new urges like satiating his senses, attraction towards opposite sex which act in motivating his actions in addition to the older ones.
So it is the urges of people which drive them to do things. The important point now becomes can an urge keep motivating even if it gets satisfied. One such urge is curiosity