Tuesday, January 25, 2005

The first blog: Motivation

What is the motivation which drives people to do things, say to marry, have sex, have children, study, work, travel, see places, etc. etc.
This thought had been doing rounds in my mind lately, and needs a logical analysis which i will be doing here.
Let start from the stage when child is born, his brain is new and the normal patterns have still not been formed. He is amused even by waving his hand. Now all the things he does may be because of natural bodly urges like hunger, thirst, excretion, or mental urges like curiosity, getting hold of his body parts. When he grows he finds new urges like satiating his senses, attraction towards opposite sex which act in motivating his actions in addition to the older ones.
So it is the urges of people which drive them to do things. The important point now becomes can an urge keep motivating even if it gets satisfied. One such urge is curiosity

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